Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One of the Big Boys

"That's how the big boys do it," he said, after he adjusted my form on my hanging knee raises.  He saw me start to smile and then added, "Yes, you're one of the big boys now."

My trainer friend, Josh, likes to enhance my workouts by giving me tips on technique, etc. while he's waiting for his next client to come in.  I don't take critiques so well from others, but there's something about this particular guy that's very disarming.  Maybe it's because he's been a supporter of mine ever since I stepped foot in that gym over a year (and 60 lbs.) ago.  Or maybe it's because he always seems to know what I need to hear or do.

Today was an unstructured day for me, and being the type of person I am, I felt dissatisfied by that.  I had haphazardly put together a string of core/abs exercises and planned on running (begrudgingly) for a few miles on the treadmill.  I don't know anyone who really likes doing ab work, and I really don't like running, but I have to train for my upcoming 5K.  So, I was happy to have Josh intervene and give me a challenge and some encouragement before I began the grueling treadmill regime.

Like the Little Mrs. Bad that I know I am, I told myself, "Yes, you're one of the big boys now," and I ran with it... literally.

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