Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Easy & Warm Winter Meal that's a Better Choice than Pizza

Low-Calorie, Big Portions: Red Pepper and Lentil Bake

(Copied and pasted from "", By: Leta Shy)
Note From Alli: A client of mine texted me in a moment of weakness, telling me she was tired and craved pizza. I have those days, especially on lazy Saturday afternoons.  I advised her to try a warm, chewy lentil soup instead -- that's what I do when I'm craving a warm, gummy, carby meal. Below is a recipe for a make-ahead dish that is easy to freeze then thaw in your next "pizza crave". 
Lentil and Red Pepper Bake Recipe


1 teaspoon olive oil
1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
1/2 cup lentils, such as Puy or green
2 1/2 cups low-sodium, organic vegetable broth
4 red bell peppers, deseeded and chopped
1 large cooking apple such as Granny Smith or McIntosh, peeled, cored, and chopped
2 teaspoons dried basil
1/4 cup white wine
14 ounces canned chopped tomatoes
1 ounce shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 ounce shredded parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. - Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. - Heat the olive oil gently in a large saucepan, add onion and garlic, and fry for five minutes until the onions are translucent.
  3. - Add lentils and stir, then add vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes.
  4. - Add the peppers, basil, apple, white wine, and canned tomatoes and mix well.
  5. - Transfer the mixture to an oven-proof 9-by-13 baking dish and sprinkle cheese on top. Cook in oven for 30 minutes.
  6. - Serve immediately, or freeze remaining portions in individual servings.(Makes 4)

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New You: A Quick "How-To"

Yes, you can change your life in one year.  For better or worse, what you do with your body and your food over the next 12 months can change the course of your life. -- physically, emotionally and spiritually.  As a personal trainer and nutrition counselor, I've been a part of dozens of lives who have changed remarkably since last January: mothers who have learned to value and treat themselves well on new levels; fathers who have admittedly felt more attentive, more alert, more active with their families; writers who have experienced more clarity and vision for their projects; teachers who have become more connected with their students and have made greater impact this year than ever before; and hearts that have been awoken to new hope.

Want a quick "How-To"?  
The following are the 5 W's and How to change your life in 2014:

1.) Who?  Are you going this alone, or do you have a buddy, spouse, significant other or trainer by your side (or all of the above)?  Are you willing to make positive choices/progress for yourself regardless of others' progress, setbacks or belief systems? If your answers are "yes", then you have a great chance of making it long-term.

2.) What?  Set a tangible goal.  Do you want to lose weight, find a significant other, move on from bad habits/bad relationships, heal your relationship with God and/or family members?  Write it out, blog about it, tell a friend or counselor/pastor, etc.  Put it out there!

3.) When?  Set a timeline.  If your goal is to lose "x" number of pounds, calculate how long you think it will take you -- even with the most strict diet and exercise plan, you will generally lose up to 2 pounds per week (after the initial water and waste loss of about 5-6 pounds).

4.) Where?  Set a place where you are most comfortable implementing changes.  Do you like the gym atmosphere, or do you like being outside for exercise?  Which is the most convenient, motivating and practical at first?  For mommies with young children, you can go to pretty much any major gym in town, like Crunch Burbank, and get excellent child care while you work out, sauna and shower for 2 hours, or you can go walking/jogging the hilly streets of town with your stroller if you have children who sit still for longer periods of time.

5.) Why?  Find your true motivation.  Why do you want to devote so much time, energy and emotion into meeting your goal?  Why now?  Who is telling you this is what you want: you or someone else/society pressure/your doctor?  Write this down, also, and keep it somewhere readily available when you fall victim to self-doubt or pressure.

6.) How?  If your goal is weight loss, do you plan to diet, exercise more or do both?  Studies have shown that those who believe that increasing their exercise will speed up their weight loss have poorer results than those who believe in changing their eating habits.  Your nutrition is 70-80% of your weight loss success.  Exercise is super important for overall health, but it only complements your healthy food habits, when it comes to weight loss.

Bottom Line: Get out a paper and pen or your fast-typing fingers and make a list from 1-6, following the above outline.  Find joy in the process of envisioning a new YOU this year ... and make it happen!  It is possible.