Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Goodies Galore -- now, no more!

Well, Christmas is over, and so is my perfect diet record.  I could NOT resist all the goodies this time.  I didn't even try.  I gave myself a little latitude, for better or for worse:

On Christmas eve, my Italian side of the family gathers for a fish meal: pasta with tomato and squid sauce, fried fish and vegetables, and plenty of desserts.  It's a dieter's nightmare.  Most of my family is dieting, but we all gave it up for that evening and the next.  I watched as many of us tamed our appetites and still had a nice time. There was a lot left over, but the non-dieters took it home.  I took a small plate for my husband after work, but he chose to be good and not imbibe.  Christmas day was another story full of rich foods and desserts, as well as wine and egg nog.   

Today, I'm back at it.  I gave my girls a cookie after lunch, and all other goodies around the house either went in the trash or got re-gifted to someone in my building.  I just can't keep it around, or else I'll snack on that stuff and justify it somehow.  Nope, no more dessert for me for a long while.  I want to present myself the best I can in 16 weeks (synonymous with: I don't want to look like a fool with little else on than my spray tan at the competition).

I am back on my two-a-day workout schedule and clean diet.  It was rough this morning, and it will be even harder this afternoon because I'm about to do laundry and housework and not get a rest before heading back to the gym.  At least the children are napping (wish me luck they stay asleep for the whole 2 hours like they're supposed to).  I'm glad I have my pals at Crunch and my coach to keep encouraging me to stay on top of it.  This is not a game to me -- it's my job for the next 4 months.

Why am I taking this so seriously, especially since it's by choice?  Everything in life is a choice.  I just chose this, and I'm going to work as hard as I can at it, like I do everything else.

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