Friday, December 21, 2012

A Day in the Life

An "easy" day:

7:00 - Wake up, have coffee, check email and texts, write in my journal.

7:30 - Girls wake up, give them milk, turn on cartoons, wash dishes from night before and pack my gym bag and meal 2 and snacks for the girls.  Snuggle with the girls for a few minutes while watching "Word World".

8:00 - Realize that I only have 1/2 hour before "Bootcamp Boxing", get girls dressed, teeth brushed, put on my workout clothes and shoes, dab on some makeup, shove food down their throats and finish my own (huge) breakfast, get girls' shoes on and load them in the car.

8:30 - Rush into the gym, walk the girls into childcare, throw my stuff into a locker and begin my class. (Even though it's a major pain to get there on time, I can't give up this class because I have friends, supporters and a great workout waiting for me to start my day).

9:30 - Change my shirt because it's drenched, gather the girls and my stuff, walk back to the car and head over to my other gym, Crunch, to do lifting.  I give the girls a snack to eat in the car.

10:00 - After placing kids in child care, chit-chatting with the gals and front desk staff and clearing my head, I begin my lifting protocol.

10:30 - Take a short break for meal 2 and check on the girls.

11:45 - Hop into shower if I'm done lifting.  If not, no shower until nighttime.

12:15 - Gather girls and head to the mall for a quick visit and snack with some of their little friends. 

1:00 - Head home for lunch.  I feverishly make the girls their food and begin making my meal 3.  We eat together and then play a little bit.

2:00 - Naptime for the girls.  If I'm lucky and they're good and tired, they will nap for 2 hours.

2:30 - Babysitter comes over and I hop over to the store.

3:30 - Put away groceries, cook meal 4 and 5 and begin dinner for the girls and hubby.

4:00 - Girls wake up, and I get them water and direct them toward educational activities on the computer, art materials or imaginary play with toys or puppets.

4:30 - Eat my meal 4 then get on some household chores.

5:15 - Begin dinner with the girls and try to do some more chores while making sure they're eating quickly so that we can get to the gym again before too late.

6:00 - Get the girls dressed for the gym, get myself into new workout clothes and pack my gym bag.  if my husband is home, he either comes with us, meets us there later or stays for dinner and quiet time.

6:20 - Arrive at Crunch, repeat ritual as above, except doing cardio this time.

8:00 - Gather girls, head home, begin bath and bed ritual.  Try to catch a few kisses and hugs with my husband.

8:30 - Girls are in bed, I eat meal 6 and try to sit down for a few minutes.

9:00 - Finish some household chores, check email again, read bible, shower.

10:30 - Hop into bed, usually after husband has gone to bed.  Fall asleep to t.v. by around 11.

It's 10:30 now, time for bed!  Another day begins tomorrow.  It will be much like the one described above, but there will be some new wrinkle or change that will challenge my organization skills and patience.  Yet, I think I'm gonna make it.  I'm gonna give it my all, anyway.

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